rem const fg_col = rgb(154, 170, 53) const bg_col = rgb(238, 241, 221) color fg_col, bg_col sub draw_turtle(script, x, y, stem, turn, angle) local a, stack, i, idx, x2, y2, col dim stack cls for i = 0 to len(script) select case mid(script, i, 1) case "F", "1", "0" ' draw forward from current position a = rad(angle) x2 = x - (stem * cos(a)) y2 = y - (stem * sin(a)) line x, y, x2, y2, fg_col x = x2 y = y2 case "-" 'turn left angle -= turn case "+" 'turn right angle += turn case "[" ' push current position and angle stack << [x, y, angle] case "]" ' pop saved position and angle idx = len(stack) - 1 [x, y, angle] = stack(idx) delete stack, idx, 1 end select next i showpage end func create_lsystem(byref rules, byref variables, maxDepth, s, depth) local result, i, ch if (depth < maxDepth) then result = "" for i = 0 to len(s) ch = mid(s, i, 1) if (ch in variables) then result += rules(ch) else result += ch end if next i result = create_lsystem(rules, variables, maxDepth, result, depth + 1) else result = s endif return result end sub show_plant local x = xmax / 2 local y = ymax - 10 local maxDepth = 6 local rules = {"X" : "F+[[X]-X]-F[-FX]+X", "F" : "FF"} local variables = ["X", "F"] local stem = 3 local script = create_lsystem(rules, variables, maxDepth, "X", 0) local a = 35 draw_turtle(script, x, y, stem, 35, 90) delay(1200) for a = 35 to 80 step 1 draw_turtle(script, x, y, stem, 45-a, 90) delay(20) next a end sub show_tree local x = xmax / 2 local y = ymax local maxDepth = 6 local rules = {"1":"11", "0":"1[-0]+0"} local variables = ["1", "0"] local angle = 70 local stem = 2 for d = 2 to 8 local script = create_lsystem(rules, variables, d, "0", 0) draw_turtle(script, x, y, stem, angle, 90) delay(120) next d end 'show_tree 'delay(1000) show_plant pause